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Shipping Ungraded Comic Books

Gemini Comic Supply currently offers two products specifically for shipping ungraded comic books.  While each product is designed and tested to withstand a reasonable amount of rough handling during transit, there are a variety augmentations available for added protection.  

We always recommend protecting your comics with bags and backing boards before shipping them.  The indicated capacities for these products assumes comics of standard thicknesses and individually bagged and boarded.


Shipping 1-12 Comic Books

Flash Mailers are the perfect solution for shipping up to a dozen comic books.  Their easy-fold design, corner protection, and lightweight construction provide the ideal package size to minimize shipping costs. 

Four comics or less usually weighs under a pound, so they can be shipped using USPS's First Class package service.  A full mailer can also fit inside a free USPS legal-size envelope to take advantage of the Priority Flat Rate program.

Added Protection

  • Flash Mailer Filler Pads are corrugated inserts that are used to add an additional layer of protection to your comics.  Add a filler pad to protect the cover of the topmost comic in your shipment or layer between comics.  We recommend filler pads for high value shipments of single to a few comics.
  • #5 Bubble Mailers are a good option if you are concerned about water damage.  They provided addition edge and corner protection while preventing rain and other water exposure from penetrating the corrugated mailers.  We recommend using bubble mailers for high value shipments during the winter when packages can be exposed to snow and ice.
  • Divider Pads are similar to the filler pads, but slightly thinner and taller.  They are intended for use as low cost box dividers, but many customers prefer the extended protection the provide to the corners.  Because they are taller than the filler pads, they reduce the capacity of the Flash mailers to four comics.


Shipping 12-35 Comic Books

Box Mailers are ideal for 10-35 comic book shipments.  Two sizes are available and they are cut specifically to accommodate Silver and Current-sized backing boards so there is no space for the comics to shift in transit regardless of your backing board preference.  

The roll-end design of the box mailers is intended to optimize corner and edge protection. These most vulnerable areas are reinforced with two and three layers to absorb impact without damaging the contents.  Gemini Box Mailers are constructed using super heavy-duty 275# Test (44-ECT) corrugated board and rated for contents many times heavier than comics.

Added Protection

  • Gemini Box Mailers are sold in kit configurations with up to two filler pads per mailer.  The filler pads are intended to protect the exposed surface of the comics before adding any sort of void fill.  Filler pads can also be layered between comics to further reinforce the inner cavity of the boxes.


Shipping 35+ Comic Books

We do not recommend shipping more than 35 comic books in a single package in most circumstances.  The heavier the package, the more likely the contents are to shift and get damaged.  If you have a lot of comic books to ship, we suggest packing into our Box Mailers, then repacking into a larger box.  

If you do need to ship large collection, and do not wish to double-pack in our Box Mailers, then our Thick-Grip Short Boxes are the strongest mailable comic storage boxes on the market.  These boxes use a seamless base design and can accommodate up to 170 standard comic books.


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